
Newborn Male Circumcision


If you’ve chosen to have your baby Circumcision, it is a monumental decision. There are many factors to take into account, such as your values and beliefs.

Circumcision has numerous medical advantages, such as reducing the risk of urinary tract infection (UTI) and sexually transmitted diseases like HIV. Additionally, it shields against penile cancer and balanoposthitis (serum circumcision) by helping to stop bleeding during delivery.


Circumcision can be a painful procedure for babies, but usually not enough to cause them to cry out in pain.

The pain may be more intense around the incision line and tip of the penis. The area should appear red and swollen, but this should go away within a few days.



Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin, or skin covering the tip of the penis (picture 1). Newborn male circumcision typically takes place under an obstetrician’s supervision at the hospital but may also be performed by family members.

Typically, this procedure takes around 10 minutes. A clamp or plastic ring is attached to the end of the penis, and then the doctor trims away any excess foreskin.

Numbing cream is sometimes used to reduce pain. Babies may also receive a pacifier dipped in sugar water (Sweet-ease(r)), which may help soothe them.

Newborns may experience some blood in their diaper after circumcision, but this should clear up on its own within a few days. It is essential to keep the area clean and dry during this time.


Your doctor will administer an injection of anesthetic that takes approximately two minutes to take effect, helping reduce pain during circumcision – particularly for babies who cannot feel their own discomfort.

This procedure should never be undertaken without anesthesia, as it can have serious repercussions if done without. We typically administer local anesthesia, which is a mild painkiller administered directly into the skin near the incision site.

For over a decade, we’ve been using this technique with great success. Additionally, adding sugar water to the bottle helps reduce pain for babies and they cry less. It is such an easy-to-follow trick that I recommend it to all of my doctors and nurses.


Circumcision can be a painful procedure for babies, but usually not enough to cause them to cry out in pain.

The pain may be more intense around the incision line and tip of the penis. The area should appear red and swollen, but this should go away within a few days.

in order to reduce pain and give them assurance that everything is fine, make sure they get some skin-to-skin contact with you.

Studies have demonstrated that acetaminophen can effectively reduce pain associated with circumcision. However, trials have also demonstrated that sugar pills and soothing music do not work as well, and analgesic practices vary between centers. Therefore, researchers suggest combining local anesthesia techniques with non-pharmacological strategies for pain control during newborn male circumcision.


Circumcision is a minimal surgical procedure that removes the foreskin (the piece of skin covering the tip of the penis) from a newborn boy. It has proven to be both safe and effective.

Your doctor will give you instructions on how to care for your baby after circumcision. Be sure to adhere closely to these instructions, and use plenty of lubricant during diaper changes in order to keep your baby’s penis from sticking to his diaper.

After your baby’s islamic circumcision center , their penis may look red and swollen. Additionally, it may have a thin layer of petroleum jelly and gauze on it – this should come off when they urinate; however, to keep the penis clean and protected it is important to apply a small amount of petroleum jelly during each diaper change.



Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin, or skin covering the tip of the penis (picture 1).

Typically, this procedure takes around 10 minutes. Babies may also receive a pacifier dipped in sugar water (Sweet-ease(r)), which may help soothe them.

Newborns may experience some blood in their diaper after circumcision, but this should clear up on its own within a few days. It is essential to keep the area clean and dry during this time.


Your doctor will administer an injection of anesthetic that takes approximately two minutes to take effect, helping reduce pain during circumcision – particularly for babies who cannot feel their own discomfort.


For over a decade, we’ve been using this technique with great success. Additionally, adding sugar water to the bottle helps reduce pain for babies and they cry less. It is such an easy-to-follow trick that I recommend it to all of my doctors and nurses.


Circumcision can be a painful procedure for babies, but usually not enough to cause them to cry out in pain.

The pain may be more intense around the incision line and tip of the penis. The area should appear red and swollen, but this should go away within a few days.

In order to reduce pain and give them assurance that everything is fine

Studies have demonstrated that acetaminophen can effectively reduce pain associated with circumcision. However, trials have also demonstrated that  Therefore, researchers suggest combining local anesthesia techniques with non-


Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin, or skin covering the tip of the penis (picture 1).

Typically, this procedure takes around 10 minutes. Babies may also receive a pacifier dipped in sugar water (Sweet-ease(r)), which may help soothe them.

Newborns may experience some blood in their diaper after circumcision, but this should clear up on its own within a few days. It is essential to keep the area clean and dry during this time.

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